Hatha Yoga Sukshma Vyayama Improves Breathing, Reduces Stress, Controls Blood Pressure, Improves Posture, Minimizes Allergies, Lowers Cholesterol, Controls Indigestion, Decreases Weight, Reduces Insomnia, Increases Immunity, Slows Ageing & Improves Concentration. Programs - Cleansing, Sukshma Vyayama, Relaxation, Asanas, Meditation, Yoga Nidra, Mudras, Pranayama, Chakras, Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga for Seniors & Yoga for Kids.
Google Custom Search
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Hatha Yoga | Practicing Indoors and Outdoors

Monday, November 30, 2009
Hatha Yoga | Controlling your Weight with Diet and Exercise

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Hatha Yoga | Exercising on an Empty Stomach

From the time that you eat, there should be at least three hours gap prior to practicing yoga, whether you exercise in the morning or evening, as this will enable you to perform Yoga Asanas appropriately. Otherwise you might have stomach pains and risk the possibility of hurting your digestive areas when doing stomach, back or any exercises where you're required to do twist and turns, be it standing or sitting down.
Almost all Asanas require breathing and Pranayama requires deep breathing. So, exercising on a full stomach will affect your ability to breathe deeply as your stomach is already bloated with food. Plus, eating before you exercise will mean that your body will spend more time to digest and as a result, will burn less fat potential. However, eating lightly such as fruits will ensure that you obtain maximum benefit of physical and breathing Asanas performed, as your body will spend less time processing food.
Benefits of Exercising in the Evening
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Hatha Yoga | Practicing Yoga with the right Instructor

Monday, August 31, 2009
Hatha Yoga | Benefits of Exercising in the Evening

Friday, July 31, 2009
Hatha Yoga | Beginning with the right Asanas

Monday, June 29, 2009
Hatha Yoga | A Stretching Exercise from Head to Toe

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Hatha Yoga | Learning from a Master Instructor

When embarking on Hatha Yoga exercises, it is important that you choose to learn from a Master Instructor and follow their teaching instructions step by step, finding your own pace and proceeding systematically. All Hatha Yoga exercises are designed in a scientific basis and in a very systematical pattern. Practice any exercise or asana according to your own capacity. Never go beyond it or strain yourself, as all bodies are different and you will find your own level naturally. Eat right, do exercise and do not worry about health for your health is your wealth. Therefore, invest some time for your health, for your future by doing exercise and be stress free. Though any exercise releases stress, Hatha Yoga exercises give you flexibility as well as mental and physical relaxation that bring stress under control - not only on a physical level, but also on mental level too. While breathing exercises helps you gain tremendous control over your mind and body.
Practicing Yoga with the right Instructor
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Hatha Yoga | The Human Body is just like a car

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Hatha Yoga | An Introduction to Healthy Living

Yoga means discipline of the mind and body. The word Yoga comes from the root word "yoke" meaning union or to unite, i.e. unity between the mind and body. Here in the west, the most popular form of Yoga practiced is Hatha Yoga. "Ha" means sun and represents heat, energy, masculine or yang. "Tha" means moon and represents coolness, calm energy, feminine or yin. Together they represent uniting polarities of the universe and the body to bring about balance. Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in oblivion; it is the most valuable inheritance of the past to the present. Yoga is not a theory by practical way of life; it is the essential need of today and the culture of tomorrow. Yoga has nothing to do with any religious practice or culture at all, its essence is Universal. In today's world these four letter words "Yoga" has so much power that if you practice yoga you will see the benefits for yourself.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Learn HATHA YOGA Sukshma Vyayama of Dhirendra Brahmachari the Yogic Mentor of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi