Yoga means discipline of the mind and body. The word Yoga comes from the root word "yoke" meaning union or to unite, i.e. unity between the mind and body. Here in the west, the most popular form of Yoga practiced is Hatha Yoga. "Ha" means sun and represents heat, energy, masculine or yang. "Tha" means moon and represents coolness, calm energy, feminine or yin. Together they represent uniting polarities of the universe and the body to bring about balance. Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in oblivion; it is the most valuable inheritance of the past to the present. Yoga is not a theory by practical way of life; it is the essential need of today and the culture of tomorrow. Yoga has nothing to do with any religious practice or culture at all, its essence is Universal. In today's world these four letter words "Yoga" has so much power that if you practice yoga you will see the benefits for yourself.