If you're beginning a Hatha Yoga class, you should be asked questions about your current state of health by your Certified Yoga Instructor. The instructor does this to gauge your ability as to which asanas you can and should attempt to do in relation to your health. This is the one of the key indicators of recognizing and practicing yoga with the right instructor.
The health questions posed to you by your instructor can vary from existing conditions of back problems, breathing problems, heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc… The more detail you give to your instructor on your current state of health will help you as a student to avoid any injury or aggravate an existing health condition. Along with that, you'll also learn the particular exercises or asanas required to minimize your existing health conditions.
As a newcomer to learning hatha yoga exercises or asanas you'll require individual attention and care to ensure that the exercises or asanas carried out by you are done appropriately for maximum health benefit and under supervision of a certified yoga instructor. And after a couple of yoga classes where you've appropriately followed the instructions given from your yoga instructor without inflicting injury or aggravation to your body, you'll begin to feel the benefits of improved health. This is also another key indicator that you are practicing yoga with right instructor.
Hatha Yoga Sukshma Vyayama Improves Breathing, Reduces Stress, Controls Blood Pressure, Improves Posture, Minimizes Allergies, Lowers Cholesterol, Controls Indigestion, Decreases Weight, Reduces Insomnia, Increases Immunity, Slows Ageing & Improves Concentration.
Programs - Cleansing, Sukshma Vyayama, Relaxation, Asanas, Meditation, Yoga Nidra, Mudras, Pranayama, Chakras, Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga for Seniors & Yoga for Kids.